姓名 马庆华 行政职务
系别 应用数学系 职称 教授/硕导
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  • 马庆华,二级教授、硕士生导师。 美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员;国际应用数学期刊《DiscreteDynamics in Nature and Society》 (SCI)编委(2011-2014); 国际数学期刊 《Journal of MathematicalInequalities》(SCI) 编委(2012-);广东省数学会理事。

    长期从事微分和积分方程的理论和应用方面研究工作,近年还从事金融数学的研究,包括在《Math. Ann.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Nonlinear Analysis》、《J. Comput. Math. Appl.》、《Appl. Math. Letters》、《Insurance: Mathematicsand Economics》、《数学学报》、《应用数学学报》、《系统科学与数学》(英文版)、《数学物理学报》(英文版)等国内外著名学术刊物上发表学术论文80多篇,被SCISSCI索引50多篇,并曾为国内外30多个学术期刊审稿;主持和参加省部级以上科研项目10多项。



  • I.发表在国际英文期刊上的学术论文:


    1. Laadjal, Zaid; Adjeroud, Nacer; Qinghua Ma *(*通信作者), Lyapunov-type inequality for the Hadamard fractional boundary value problem on a general interval [a,b]. J. Math. Inequal. 13(2019), no. 3,789–799.(SCI收录) 一类B


    2. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Qiuli Liu, Qinghua Ma, Observer-based adaptive consensus tracking control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with actuator hysteresis, Nonlinear Dynamics, 95(2019), 2181-2195. (SCI收录) 一类A


    3. Qinghua Ma; Yi,Fahuai; Guan,Chonghu, A consumption-investment problem with constraints on minimum and maximum consumption rates. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 338(2018),185–198. (SCI,SSCI收录) 一类A


    4. Chao Ma, Qinghua Ma*, Haixiang Yao, Tiancheng Hou(*通信作者),An accurate European option pricing model under fractional stable process based on Feynman path integral, Physica A, 494 (2018), 87-117.(SCI,SSCI收录)一类A


    5. Qinghua Ma, Chao Ma, Jinxun Wang, A Lyapunov-type inequality for a fractional differential equation with Hadamard derivative, J. Math. Inequal., Vol.11, 1(2017), 135-141. (SCI收录)


    6.  Hussan, S. Rehman, H. Khalid and Qinghua Ma*, (*通信作者),Some new Volterra-Fredholm type discrete inequalities with four iterated sums with applications, J. Math. Inequal., Vol.11, 2(2017), 495-510. (SCI收录)


    7.  Q. H. Ma (马庆华), R. N. Wang, J.W. Wang, Y.C. Ma, Qualitative analysis for solutions of a certain more generalized two-dimensional fractional differential system with Hadamard derivative. Appl. Math. Comput. 257(2015), 436–445. (SCI收录) 一类A


    8.  R. N. Wang, P. X. Zhu, Q. H. Ma (马庆华)*, Multi-valued nonlinear perturbations of time fractional evolution equations in Banach spaces. Nonlinear Dynam. 80 (2015), no. 4, 1745–1759. *通信作者 (SCI收录) 一类A


    9.  R. N. Wang, Q. H. Ma (马庆华), Y. Zhou, Topological theory of non-autonomous parabolic evolution inclusions on a noncompact interval and applications. Math. Ann. 362 (2015), no. 1-2, 173–203. (SCI收录) 一类B


    10.  J. W. Wang, Q. H. Ma(马庆华),A. M. Chen, Z. P. Liang, Pinning synchronization of fractional-order complex networks with Lipschitz-type nonlinear dynamics, ISA Transactions,57(2015),111-116.(SCI收录) 一类A


    11.  Q. H. Ma (马庆华), J.W. Wang, R. N. Wang, X. H. Ke, Study on some qualitative properties for solutions of a certain two-dimensional fractional differential system with Hadamard derivative, Appl. Math.Lett., 36(2014), 7-13.(SCI收录) 一类B


    12.  S. Hussain, R. Tanzila, Q. H. Ma (马庆华)*, J. Pečarić,  Bounds for solutions to retarded nonlinear double integral inequalities. Electron. J. Differential Equations 2014, No. 256, 18 pp. *通信作者(SCI收录)


    13.  J. W. Wang, K. R. Chen, Q. H. Ma(马庆华)  Adaptive leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics. Entropy 16(2014), no. 9, 5020–5031. (SCI收录) 一类B              


    14.  Q. H. Ma (马庆华), J. W. Wang, X. H. Ke, Josip Pecaric, On the Boundedness of a Class of Nonlinear Dynamic Equations of Second Order, Appl. Math. Lett., 26(2013),1092-1105(SCI收录)一类A


    15.  J. W. Wang, Q. H. Ma(马庆华), L. Zeng, Observer-based synchronization in fractional-order leader–follower complex networks, Nonlinear Dynamics,73(2013), 921-929(SCI收录)一类A


    16. H. X. Yao, Y. Z. Lei, Q. H. Ma(马庆华); Zheng, Huabao ,Characterization of efficient frontier for mean-variance model with a drawdown constraint. Appl. Math. Comput. 220 (2013), 770–782. (SCI收录)


    17. Q. H. Ma(马庆华), Yi-Cheng Ma, Wing-Sum Cheung, Josip Pecaric, Delay integral inequalities of a coupled system on time scales with applications. J. Comput. Anal. Appl.14(2012), 495-506. (SCI收录)


    18. Q. H. Ma, H. X. Yao, S. Y. Li, Logarithm utility maximization         portfolio engineering with bankruptcy control: A nonparametric estimation   framework, Systems Engineering Procedia ,Vol.5: 150–155,2012


    19. Q. H. Ma(马庆华), J. Pečarić, The bounds on the solutions of certain two-dimensional delay dynamic systems on time scales, Comput. Math. Appl. 61 (2011), no. 8, 2158–2163。(SCI, MR, Zbl收录)


    20. Q. H. Ma(马庆华), J. Pečarić, J. M. Zhang, Integral inequalities of systems and the estimate for solutions of certain nonlinear two-dimensional fractional differential systems, Comput.Math. Appl., 61(2011), no. 11, 3258-3267. (SCI, MR, Zbl收录)


    21. J. W.  Wang, Q. H. Ma(马庆华), Li Zeng, A novel mixed-synchronization phenomeno in coupled Chua’s circuits via non-fragile linear control,Chinese Phys. B 20, 080506(2011);doi:1088/1674-1056/2018/080506. (SCI收录)


  • (一)学术奖励


    1、 999策略白菜网站科研业绩一等奖,2006-2008年连续三年;


    2、 999策略白菜网站科研业绩二等奖, 2009-2011年连续三年;


    3、 999策略白菜网站大2013年“优秀科研业绩二等奖”; 


    4、 999策略白菜网站大2014年“优秀科研业绩三等奖”;


    5、 999策略白菜网站大2015年“优秀科研业绩二等奖”;
















































  • 本科生课程:数学分析,常微分方程,概率论,数理金融引论,随机过程



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