姓名 程波 行政职务
系别 应用数学系 职称 教授/硕导
办公电话 E-mail 200511359@oamail.gdufs.edu.cn
  • 个人简介
  • 科研成果
  • 所获荣誉
  • 教授课程
  •   程波,教授,1999年毕业于University of the Witwatersrand,获得博士学位。



  • 主持教育部留学归国人员科研启动项目,在SCI收录的学术刊物上发表论文多篇: 

    1.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, The normalized incidence energy of a graph, Linear Algebra Appl., 438 (2013) 4510-4519. 

    2.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Lexicographical ordering by spectral moments of trees with pendant vertices and integer partitions, Applied Mathematics Letters, 25 (2012) 858-861. 

    3.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Jianxi Liu, On the spectral moments of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter, Linear Algebra Appl., 437 (2012) 1123-1131. 

    4.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, On the nullity of tricyclic graphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 434 (2011) 1799-1810. 

    5.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Primitive zero-symmetric sign pattern matrices with the maximum base, Linear Algebra Appl., 433 (2010) 365-379. 

    6.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, On the numbers of positive entries of reducible nonnegative matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 430 (2009) 308—317. 

    7.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Imprimitive matrices of zeros and ones with extremal numbers of ones, Linear Algebra Appl., 429 (2008) 293—301. 

    8.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, The base sets of primitive zero-symmetric sign pattern matrices, Linear Algebra Appl.,428 (2008) 715—731. 

    9.Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu,, On the nullity of graphs, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 16 (2007), 60--67. 

    10. Bo Cheng, Gary L. Mullen, Constructions for mutually orthogonal frequency hyperrectangles with a prescribed type, Discrete Math., 242 (2002) 55—64. 

    11. Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu,, Matrices of zeros and ones with the maximum jump number, Linear Algebra Appl., 277 (1998) 83—95. 

    12. Bo Cheng, Bolian Liu, Some inequalities about connected domination number, Discrete Math., 159 (1996) 241—245. 

  • 讲授过《高等代数与解析几何》、《高等代数》、《运筹学》、《数学专业英语》等课程。


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