姓名 王真真 行政职务
系别 应用数学系 职称 讲师/硕导
办公电话 13763327460 E-mail wangzhzh@gdufs.edu.cn
  • 个人简介
  • 科研成果
  • 所获荣誉
  • 教授课程
  • 近年来,以第一或通讯作者身份发表SCI论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中央高校青年培育项目,参与国家级项目多项。





        2021.08—至今 999策略白菜网站,讲师

        2019.07—2021.07  中山大学999策略白菜手机论坛, 博士后

  • 一、科研项目:

    1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,随机反应扩散方程中的随机行波及其全局分支(No.12101622),2022/01—2024/12,30万元,在研;

    2. 主持中央高校青年培育项目,关于随机反应扩散方程行波问题的研究(No.34000-31610285),2020/01至2021/06,已结题;

    3. 参与国家社会科学基金项目,企业金融化引致系统性风险的统计监测研究(No.21CTJ014),2022/01—2024/12,20万元,在研;

    4. 参与国家自然科学基金,面上项目,几类非线性方程的定性研究(No.11971176),2020/01—2023/12,在研;

    5. 参与国家自然科学基金,面上项目,物理中某些耦合可积方程的研究(No.11771151) 2018/01—2021/12,已结题;

    6. 参与国家自然科学基金,青年项目,双噪声扰动下随机Fisher-KPP方程的行波及动力学性质研究(No.11701115),2018/01—2020/12,已结题;


    [1] Zhenzhen Wang, Hao Dong, Zhehao Huang. Carbon spot prices in equilibrium frameworks associated with climate change. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(2): 961-983.

    [2] Yingting Miao, Zhenzhen Wang*. Weak instability of the stochastic generalized Camassa-Holm equation. Communications on Pure undefinedamp; Applied Analysis, 2022, 21(10): 3529-3558.

    [3] Shuaishuai Jia, Hao Dong, Zhenzhen Wang*. Identifying the Asymmetric Channel of Crude Oil Risk Pass-Through to Macro Economy: Based on Crude Oil Attributes. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 9, 739653.

    [4] Junhao Zhong, Zhenzhen Wang*. Artificial intelligence techniques for financial distress prediction. AIMS Mathemaics, 2022, 7(12): 20891–20908.

    [5] Zhenzhen Wang, Tianshou Zhou*. Asymptotic behaviors and stochastic traveling waves in stochastic Fisher-KPP equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2021, 26(9): 5023-5045.

    [6] Zhenzhen Wang, Zhenghui Li, Shuanglian Chen*, Zhehao Huang. Explicit investment setting in a Kaldor macroeconmic model with macro shock. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S, 2020, 13(8): 2327-2346.

    [7] Zhehao Huang, Tianpei Jiang, Zhenzhen Wang*. On a multiple credit rating migration model with stochastic interest rate. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 2020, 43: 7106–7134.

    [8] Zhehao Huang, Zhenghui Li, Zhenzhen Wang*. Utility indifference valuation for defaultable corporate bond with credit rating migration. Mathematics, 2020, 8, 2033.

    [9] Zhehao Huang, Yingting Miao, Zhenzhen Wang*. Free boundary problem pricing defaultable corporate bonds with multiple credit rating migration risk and stochastic interest rate. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, 5(6): 7746-7775.

    [10] Yuhang Zheng, Zhenzhen Wang, Zhehao Huang*, Tianpei Jiang. Comovement between the Chinese Business Cycle and Financial Volatility: Based on a DCC-MIDAS Model. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56: 1181-1195.

    [11] Zhenzhen Wang, Zhengrong Liu, Tianpei Jiang, Zhehao Huang*. Asymptotic traveling wave for a pricing model with multiple credit rating migration risk. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2019, 17(7): 1975-2004.

    [12] Zhenzhen Wang, Zhehao Huang*, Zhengrong Liu. Stochastic traveling waves of a stochastic Fisher–KPP equation and bifurcations for asymptotic behaviors. Stochastics and Dynamics, 2019, 19(4), 1950028.

    [13] Zhenghui Li, Gaoke Liao, Zhenzhen Wang, Zhehao Huang*. Green loan and subsidy for promoting clean production innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 187: 421-431.

    [14] Zhenghui Li, Zhenzhen Wang, Zhehao Huang*. Modeling Business Cycle with Financial Shocks Basing on Kaldor-Kalecki Model. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2017, 1(1): 44-66.

    [15] Zhehao Huang*, Zhengrong Liu, Zhenzhen Wang. Stochastic traveling wave solution to a stochastic KPP equation. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2016, 28: 389-417.

  • 999策略白菜网站本科优秀教学奖三等奖(2022年)

  • 《高等数学(1)》、《高等数学(2)》、《寿险精算数学》、《微积分》


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