姓名: 刘霞






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  刘霞,999策略白菜手机论坛五级副教授。2006年毕业于中南大学,研究生学历。长期从事差分方程的理论和应用方面的研究工作。近些年在《J.Nonlinear Sci.Appl.》、《J.Appl.Math.Comput》、《J.NONLINEAR.SCI.APPL》、《Mediterr.J.Math.》、《Bull.Malays.Math》、《Acta Math.Hungar.》等国内外著名学术刊物上发表学术论文40多篇,被SCI、EI索引40篇,主持国家自科青年项目1项,主持省自科面上项目1项,主持教育厅项目1项和参加省部级以上科研项目多项。

  研究领域和方向:应用数学 差分方程

1. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Existence of periodic solutions with prescribed minimal period of a 2nth-order discrete system, Open Mathematics,(17), 1392-1399, 2019.SCI收录)一类B

2. Tao Zhou, Xia Liu*Haiping Shi, Wenliang Zong, Multiplicity results of breathers for discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,2019(27), 1-12, 2019.SCI收录)一类B

3. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Existence and multiple solutions to a discrete fourth order boundary value problem, Advances in Difference Equations,2018(427), 1-13, 2018.SCI收录)一类B

4. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Boundary value problems of a discrete generalized beam equation via variational methods, Open Mathematics,(16), 1412-1422, 2018.SCI收录)一类B

5. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Yuhua Long, Wenliang Zong, Periodic solutions with minimal period for fourth order nonlinear difference equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2018, 1-7, 2018. SCI收录)一类B

6. Tao Zhou, Xia Liu*Haiping Shi, Existence of solutions to boundary value problems for a class of difference systems, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation,19(5), 531-537, 2018.  SCI收录)一类B

7. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Existence and nonexistence of solutions for fourth-order nonlinear difference boundary value problems via variational methods, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2018, 1-9, 2018.SCI收录)一类B

8. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Existence of periodic solutions with prescribed minimal period for a fourth order nonlinear difference system, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,36(5-6), 491-504, 2018.SCI收录)一类B

9. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi, Existence of solutions to boundary value problems for a fourth-order difference equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2018, 1-9, 2018.SCI收录)一类B

10. Xia Liu*Tao Zhou, Haiping Shi. Existence of homoclinic orbits for a higher order difference system. Jour...











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